Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Art of Travel Educational--
China Silk Road Trip:  September 12-29, 2017

On October 18, Art of Travel held an informational presentation at Shaver Ramsey Gallery in Cherry Creek.  A highlight of the event was a Dunhuang dance performed by Emma, a student at Ni Shang Dance Academy in Denver.

Comment from Emma: 

"Thank you so much for giving me such a great opportunity to preform! It was my pleasure to get invited. I loved the little gifts that you gave me! I enjoyed meeting all of the people and sharing my knowledge of cultural dancing and Chinese culture." Emma

September - October 2016

Here are some comments and photos from Art of Travel's recent group trip to Sicily.
Paestum Temple of Zeus with Darrell & India
Janet and Gayla enjoying a glass of rose at Cofume
Lava flows on Mt. Etna

Which Greek mask for the theater--Sue.

Yes, Nancy and her milk toast.

Carol at Planeta Vineyard

Don't go to Amalfi without Adrianos, your singing driver on the Coast.

Don't go to Sicily without Francesca of Sicily.
Cathy & Shelly in Ragusa.
Beautiful Jan.
Darrell, Marion, India in Lipari.
Sandy making pasta.

Cooking school

Donna--Aeolian wind fun!

Dee in Lipari

India, Guillermo, Carol, Sandra

Greek masks at Lipari.

Sandy:  "Yes, things are going well and I've enjoyed sharing our wonderful trip.  you did such a great job of finding varied activities, special hotels and excellent guides...keys for successful traveling!  additionally, I truly appreciate your thoughtful help when health called for plan changes.  I also enjoyed having time with you and your sister, Carol. The entire group was a fun, impressive collection of women!  I'd love to be present for the next gathering and look forward to debriefing via Jan.  Hope you keep traveling!  All the best!"

Donna:  "Thanks for the memories...one fantastic trip!"

Jan:  "Thank you for all you did to make Sicily 2016 fun, endlessly fascinating, and educational far beyond expectations.  For countless moments of thoughtfulness and caring, I am grateful."

Nancy S:  "It was a sensational trip to Sicily. I had an exceptional experience."